Wire Rope Clips

You can choose either Malleable (Zinc Plated) Wire Rope Clips, Drop Forged (Hot Galvanized) Wire Rope Clips, Stainless Steel Wire Rope Clips, or Double Grips.

(Zinc Plated) 
Wire Rope Clips

Drop Forged

Drop Forged 
(Hot Galvanized) 
Wire Rope Clips

Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel 
Wire Rope Clips

Double Grips

Double Grips

Wire Rope Clips are usually used to make an Eye at the end of a Cable.

Wire Rope Clips

Each cable size requires a specific number of Wire Rope Clips. The amount of wire rope clips required increases as the Cable Diameter gets bigger. Please see the Advantage Sales General Catalog > Wire Rope Clips section for more information.

Wire Rope Clip

Download the Wire Rope Clip page

Additionally, certain torque values are required to ensure safe applications of Wire Rope Clips. Please see the Advantage Sales General Catalog > Wire Rope Clips section for more information.

This how-to guide below gives step by step instructions for installing Malleable and Drop Forged Wire Rope Clips. These instructions are NOT intended for Double Grip Wire Rope Clips.

Safe Application

How to Install Wire Rope Clips

How to Install Wire Rope Clips

Click through this step-by-step guide on how to install Wire Rope Clips. For this example, we will be creating a wire rope turnback with 3/8″ cable.


Gather Materials

Gather Materials

You’ll need the following pieces to create your assembly.


Refer to the Advantage Sales Catalog for Material Information

Refer to the Advantage Sales Catalog for Material Information


Mark the Turnback Length

Mark the turnback length at 9.5″ from the end of the cable. (Turnback lengths are specified in the Advantage Sales Catalog.)


Mark the Turnback Length


1. Do not fully disassemble the Wire Rope Clips. Loosen the Nuts to the end of the U-Bolt, then slide the Clips onto the Cable. After this, turn your dead end back through the U-Bolts to create your Eye.

2. Mechanically cut Cable can begin to fray. To avoid fraying, wrap a thin layer of electrical tape around the end, as shown in this example.


Form the Eye

Form the Eye by turning the cable back to the desired length. For this example, we will have a standard 8″ eye(The eye length varies by application.)


Mark the Base of the Eye

Make a second mark at the base of the eye where the live end meets the 9.5″ turnback mark made in step 3.


Slide the Clips over the Dead End of the Cable

Slide the clips over the dead end of the cable, keeping the saddles on the LIVE end.


Review the Order of Wire Rope Clip Installation

Review the Order of Wire Rope Clip Installation

Before we move on to step 9, it’s important to note the order in which wire rope clips are installed.

The first clip to tighten into place is always the one closest to the dead end of the cable.

The second clip to install is always the one closest to the eye.

And finally, the middle clip, (or clips if more than 3 are required) are installed last.

With this order in mind, we’re ready to continue building the assembly.


Position and Tighten the First Clip

Position the first clip one saddle-width length away from the end of the cable and hand tighten the nuts.

Using a wrench, continue tightening by alternating between each nut. Tighten only enough to keep the clip in place.


Position and Tighten the Second Clip

Position the second clip closest to the eye by lining up the end of the saddle to the markings made in steps 3 and 6.

Repeat the tightening instructions in step 9 until the clip stays firmly in place.


Position and Tighten the Remaining Clip

Equally space the remaining clip between the first two clips, then repeat the tightening instructions in step 9 until the clip stays firmly in place.


Refer to the Advantage Sales Catalog for Torque Lbs.-FT.

Refer to the Advantage Sales Catalog for Torque Lbs.-FT.

Now that the Wire Rope Clips are in place, the final steps require tightening the nuts with a torque wrench to the specified torque value found in the Advantage Sales Catalog.

For 3/8″ inch cable, the torque value is 30.


Tighten All Nuts to Specified Torque Lbs.-FT.

With your torque wrench set to 30, you’re ready to begin tightening. Use the same order for tightening as shown in step 8.

Alternate the tightening between nuts on the wire rope clip to avoid cracking the saddle.

When all clips are tightened to the correct torque value, installation is complete.

Installation Complete

Please note that for permanent of long term installations, torque values MUST be maintained regularly through inspection.


  • Wire Rope Clips are NOT for overhead lifting. Do not use assemblies made with wire rope clips for overhead lifting purposes.
  • Failure to carefully read and adhere to these guidelines could result in severe injuries or death.
  • Prior to installing wire rope clips, thoroughly review and comprehend these instructions.
  • Ensure that wire rope clips of identical sizes are paired with cable of the same size.
  • Follow the wire rope’s end termination procedures precisely as directed.
  • Do not use wire rope clips above cable coated in plastic. Instead, remove the coating where clips will be installed.
  • Before usage, apply an initial load test to the assembly. This load should match or exceed anticipated operating loads. Subsequently, inspect and re-torque nuts to the recommended specifications.